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All-natural, herbal remedy for bug bites and stings. With wild harvested and organically grown herbs. This formula was the first salve I created. I was working in the garden and stepped into a nest of fire ants and I was bitten several times. I tried every over-the-counter remedy I could find, and nothing really worked except cortisone cream. I decided to try and make my own using herbs from my garden with their anti-itch, pain relieving properties. Lo and behold….it worked! I have been using it ever since.


I apply a small amount of salve as soon as possible after the sting or bite and again anytime it starts to itch for a day or two and the irritation calms down, healing quicker than other salves I tried.


Ingredients: Plantain infused olive oil, lavender, lemongrass and rose essential oils, and beeswax.


Sold in 2.5 ounce tins.

Itchy Bug Bite Salve

Excluding Sales Tax
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